Monday, March 13, 2006

This particular piece is dedicated to all those who were affected by the 'excellent' actions of the head and de facto head of a particular 'centre of excellence'.

I happen to study at a place that calls itself a 'centre of excellence'. Now most educational institutions claim that the same and ours is no different. the head of our institute (Mr. Fireplace), truly believes that he heads such a institution. however i beg to differ.

Recently, in our fair college, there was a huge uproar( I atleast hope so) about certain students being barred from the exams because they were short on attendance. for the uninitiated, the required attendance is 75%. Most of the students who were short, were short by no more than 6 to 7 days. The VC and the de facto VC(Bhoposhima) both decided to make examples out of these hapless students.

Firstly, they sent out a notice to these students that they were barred less than 24 hours before the scheduled beginning of the examination. (The laws of the college specify that it has to be given out atleast 2 to 3 days before the exam). Ironically, ours is a law college (atleast that is what they call themselves).

Then, most of the students who got debarred, sent in valid medical or attendance proformas, but strangely Fireplace and Bhoposhima thought that their opinions were of more worth than that of medical practitioners with valid degrees. The students association, incidentally, did organize a few events(fest, moot, debate, etc) and some of these students did work for the events. ofcourse Fireplace and bhopo are always right.

The drama was still far from complete. some unhappy(perhaps its too strong a word) students, went up to Fireplace, and demanded a meeting to help explain this strange phenomenon. Fireplace agreed and the meeting was held. however, it must be pointed out that though the students had specifically asked for a meeting with Fireplace, the meeting was attended by both Fireplace and Bhoposhima. Perhaps Fireplace is such a big coward that he doesnt even have the balls to face the students alone, or perhaps he didnt want to face questions for an act sanctioned by the de facto head? who knows.

During the meeting, the students were told that the rule was for their own benefit and that we would thank them for debarring our batchmates. Fireplace pointed out that discipline was the core of any centre of excellence. Responding to a question about the quality of teaching in the university (or the lack thereof), Fireplace pointed out that in any institution, there are good teachers and bad. I OBJECT.

What the fuck is the definition of good and bad. i fucking pay 50000 indian rupees per annum and what get in the name of teaching is just trash. A few examples, one particular bloke (a historian),who happened to teach us( or so he professed to doing). I think he just teaches here because his dad's a famous historian. if that wasn't bad enough. he mumbles his way through all his classes till not even those in the first bench can hear him. and then ofcourse, his weakness for the fairer sex is now legendary. The results bear proof. not a single male student managed to get an E( Excellent). i can believbe that girls are smarter than boys, but all the boys are that dumb? gender bias anyone? then of couse is the famous economics teacher. i still haven't managed to understand what the hell he teaches. he swiped an entire book by a chap called Richard Ippolito, and then called it his own module(Plagirism?). this bloke then turns around and catches students for plagiarism? His mode of discrimination is more subtle--he refuses to give attendance to those he dislikes, or says whatever he wishes about people he wishes. he smokes in his room(which incidentally is part of a no-smoking campus) and then lectures people about the ill-effects of breaking rules.
There is still more people around this menagerie, who dare to call themselves teachers--there is one female who professes to teach family law, but till date hasn't been able to make out head or tail of the subject. a final year teacher's assisant mamged to teach us more in one week than what she had taught for 3 months.

Fireplace still has the nerve to claim that this is a centre of excellence. He tells us that it is the duty of students to attend the classes. what the fuck happened to the duty of the teachers to make the class interesting? why the fuck should a student be forced to attend a class he finds boring? the teachers are allowed to throw us out of the class. Fireplace also pointed out that good teachers cant be found on the shelves of supermarkets(and who claimed they were?) but still asks us to call this a place of institutions. the government subsidizes education in some colleges and the students there pay 75 rupees a month. we pay more than 50,000, and those colleges still have better teachers than ours? how the hell is the college a centre of excellence?

A final point. Fireplace pointed out that discipline was intrumental in the success of the first batch. he also claimed a fair share of their glory. Just for the record, Fireplace did not setup the university, it was set up by an administrator far better than him. this person also was instrumental in setting the batch on the right course and also had brought with him, a fair share of good teachers. so please excuse this poor mortal for believing that the founder of the university did more for the first batch than Fireplace.

As a result of the actions of fireplace and bhopo, at least three to four students have to repeat a year. that involves not only a substantial damage to one's prestige and morale but also a question of a lot of money. Fireplace claimed that this would do their career good rather than harm. well so be it because he is certainly smarter than this poor mortal.

P.S--Bhopo released a set of examination rules after this affair, but the damage was already done. Neither fireplace nor bhopo dared to define plagiarism, the ground on which some students were barred. Fireplace had claimed that it was ok to copy a few paragraphs or a few pages, but a whole article(even though the concerned studentsa had cited it). What about a whole module? shouldn't the economics teacher be banned on the basis of plagiarism?


Blogger poli said...

Critical Analyst, whoever you are, let me point out that i have nothing against papua or any of the 'pc' members personally. however what i do object to is the fact that some of them got away with the same thing for which others were punished. i dislike double standards. Kaka, you took the words right out of my mouth. its time to open sfi in NUJS. BTW, sfi is not about bong politics, it stands for an ideology, some thing that you might believe in.

10:07 PM  

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