Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Before i begin, there are a few clarifications about the comments postede. firstly, i dont have anything against papua personally. he is a nice fellow. i am quite happy that atleast he did not get debarred. however, what i do object to is that fact that he got away with the same thing for which the others were debarred--lack of attendance. i object to the double standards used by the university and not about the students personally.

Secondly, Kaka, you took the words right out of my keyboard(sic). it is high time to open some form of student's union in nujs. this is the subject matter of this post.

Firstly, before any form of debate about politics is started, it is necessary to point out that politics is ubiquitous. atleast, i feel that all most all relationships and associations between two or more people in this world is of a political nature. politics is not always about michil, slogans or gheraos, it is mainly about something that a person believes in. unfortunately, the indian public has been fed on such trash in the name of politics that they have come to associate BJP, Congress or the left with the word 'politics'. there is a slight difference. politics is not about the general elections or the vote rigging but also about idoelogy and personal beliefs.
Secondly, what goes on in our college is politics. the elections are political in nature, even if they concern a non-political body like the SJA. personally, i feel that politics has more to do with personal beliefs, convictions and most importantly, the right to protest.
Concerning, the sfi bit. the whole idea about starting sfi was in fact started by me(very humbly submitted). it has a little bit of history behind it. the idea was born in relation to a specific need of our batchmates--namely, the arbitrary action of the college administration. I would also like to point out a certain comment that bhoposhima made during the meeting. he pointed out that he would not bow down to any form of protest by the students(i am not making this up. try and remember a reference to the night before the meeting). this to me is a direct violation of the right to protest(its fundamental to me). the whole action of the college and the sja, was infact quite sad. i atleast felt that the sja could have done better. why the fuck are we training to be lawyers, if we dont protest? i would also like to use another of bhopo's comments--there is no right or wrong answer in law(this is from class). if there is no right or wrong answer, then why do we have to take the university's judgment as final? why cant we challenge it.

i know this sounds idealistic, but aren't we students? as the bright 'young' faces of tomorrow, dont we owe a duty to the society, to challenge the usual? why the hell are people in nujs so status quo-ists? if we had protested the decision of the university, then would we be out of our bounds? i atleast dont think so. the best form of protest that we could muster was a meeting with fireplace and bhopo? we didnt even submit the stupid petition that was signed by the students. so much for protest.

I know this sounds crazy, but why are we being so damn submissive? isn't it also a question of our future? today the university, managed to sucessfully ruin the lives of atleast 6-7 students. what makes us so certain that they wont fuck around with the rest tomorrow? the university could jolly well raise the attendance bar to 100% from the next sem, and from what i saw, people possibly wont even protest. why are we being so selfish and mean minded. even the most selfish person should realize that best way to protect one's self is by befriending and helping others.

i also would like to point out that sfi politics is about protest. personally, i think that most sfi politicians are rogues, but that does not mean that politics is about cheating or trickery. the sja, is unfortunately(with all due respect to the founders), a body that is ill suited to look into the needs of the students. or the sja has become incompetent. sfi is just one of the political parties in the entire world. why sfi, i dont even mind Chhatra Parishad or the All India Democratic Students Organization. colleges in delhi and in calcutta have political units run by students, tell me they dont work, because the last i remember JNU(sfi), JU(sfi, aidso, etc), Preidency (sfi, IC) are all more reputed colleges than nujs(and they have better faculty).

The sja is unfortunately not in a position to protest, it has become to institutionalized and incorporated into the college administration. this is where the sfi comes in. why sfi, call Feminist Federation of India for all i care. a political party has the capability to shake things up in the college. what happened during the attendance fiasco could have been changed. i was told by certain people that direct means of protest would not be of any use. I OBJECT.

how can you say that it wont work when you havent tried it? if we had gheraoed the VC and bhopo, i believe that the result would have been different. i was also surprised by the lack of solidarity amidst the batchmembers. do we think that being from a different geographical area changes our essential definition, that of a student? i dont think so. a certain person(who is noted for her loud mouth) also proposed a boycott of the exams. i can tell you that not more than 5 or 6 of the entire batch(94-95 students) agreed to it. i find that a little disheartening. the sja has unfortunately spread an aura around itself that it is accessible only to certain people.
this is why we need a political party on the campus. i dont want to sound so dumb, but there is no other way to put it. the university must understand that we are consumers and therefore we also have our rights. we are obliged to observe certain rules, which is quite logical. what is strange is that some of these rules are not student friendly? there is no nujs without us. we are indispensible. teachers are very important, but so are the students. we have to realize the power of our collective demands. the political party simply represents a common platform for us.
i may sound dumb but then there are so many dumb people in the world. i may be foolish to say such things but i feel that this is the only logical way to go about things. sfi is not personal, it is about empowering the students. sfi is not simply about fighting with the administration, it has to be fight for a cause and to me this cause is quite enough.

please think about it, it is for our benefit.


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