Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Cracking the Da Vinci Code

After reading about the recent protests about the screening of the film ‘Da Vinci Code’, I have discovered a bigger mystery in life—what is link between India and Afghanistan? It takes a while to understand the link, but its actually surprisingly simple—fundamentalism. We’ve seen Hindu fundamentalists; Muslim fundamentalists and now we have the Christian fundamentalists. Hooray for us. Religion was supposed to be personal, right?? I mean if you have to parade the fact that you are a Muslim or a Hindu and now a Christian, why drag poor God into this? God/Allah/Brahma, etc are supposed to be smart people right? I can bet that even they’d be confused about this one. I still fail to understand how a movie, a book or a picture can degrade a religion? Is the belief in the Almighty so weak that such ordinary and mundane depictions can shake the foundations of our belief? I have read the Satanic Verses and I still don’t understand why its heretic? I have read Taslima Nasreen’s novels and I don’t know how they insult Islam. I have heard that a naked depiction of Lakshmi is derogatory towards the Hindus. I have even read a stupid book called “Da Vinci Code” which claims Jesus married a former prostitute and fathered a line of heirs, and that insults Christianity. WHY? HOW? I am inordinately stupid and dumb and that is why I can’t seem to understand the meaning of these insults to religion. Lord help me. Oops! Sorry if I offended somebody. Please don’t go on a hunger strike or a fast unto death.

The highest authority according to the Catholics—the Pope, hasn’t called for a ban on the movie. Though the Vatican has launched a publicity drive to discredit the book and the movie, they haven’t called for an outright ban. If the Vatican can bear it why cant the Christians in India do so? Please don’t go and see the movie if it hurts your sentiments, but at least let others see it. All over the world, people seem to be offended by something or the other. Is it about their fragile egos or is it about them not getting enough media attention? What is it in Nature that makes people so insensitive and scared of each other? Does a piece of fiction challenge the religious hierarchy? Does a book filled with wrong facts and made up details pose such a threat to man’s faith?

There are so many problems in this world. Instead of wasting our precious resources and time on such trivial and inane matters, can’t we use them to our improvement instead of others’ detriment? If the General Secretary of the Catholic Association wants to fast unto death then please let him. Let him die. Let him become the second martyr for his religion. At least he will be able to reach God faster. If there are riots, then we can massacre the damned Christians. Hooray! Maybe the Hindus and the Muslims will jointly kill them. Interesting proposal. Fight fire with fire. And fight Fundamentalism with Fundamentalism. That will teach the people of the free nation the true value of freedom. Transport the damned Christians to Afghanistan along with some Hindus. The rest of the damned Hindus can go to Bangladesh, Pakistan, etc. Finally, keep some Hindus here to butcher the Muslims. That will inevitably solve the problem of religion in India. If you can’t live in peace then don’t live at all I say. What say people?


Blogger poli said...

so true about the damned petrol. and just when my mother finally decided to let me drive.

10:21 PM  
Blogger அசுரன் said...

Dear Poli,

It is a good article. As you said religion is something personal. Though it is not personal as for as it's contribution to the State is concerned. But it should be restrained to personal.

No religion never came out for people' daytoday problems.

No religion never came out to protest an Anti democratic, Anti people state.

We, people should fight this Christine, Hindu, Muslim terrorists and drive them out of our country, if possible the world.

Marx is correct when he said religion is Abin

2:57 AM  
Blogger Toy Chat said...

now that's blog and a half.
write you moron.
or i shall smack you on the head and call you a pineapple. :)

10:21 AM  

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