Thursday, April 06, 2006

Psycho's letter

This is a rather bizarre letter that i found in psycho's computer. he has been kind enough to lend it to me. (thats a blatant lie). some names have been changed(only reduced to initials) to protect the identities of those involved. any further editing would have destroyed the humorous nature of the letter.

The Registrar
The West Bengal University of Juridical Sciences


Hostel is a place where students after the whole days work pressure, want to relax. All students residing in the Halls of Residence of NUJS are entitled to the mess facilities which include watching of television in the mess too.
Yesterday, there was a One Day International between India and South Africa being played at Eden Gardens which was being broadcasted live by Doordarshan. I was watching the first innings (South Africa had chose to field after winning the toss) with other residents of the Hall of Residence. Incidentally I was supporting the South African side rather than the Indian side. When the last wicket fell for India at the score of 188. The incidents that happened after that were really unfortunate as well as humiliating, and put a question mark on the safety of the students residing in the Halls of Residence. Here is a complete list of events that happened:
AB, incidentally the Disciplinary Committee Convener calls me and asks me that, “Why are you clapping?”
I: Because I am happy that the last wicket fell for India
AB: And still you are clapping, you know that this is the last Indian wicket that fell!
I: Yes
P, incidentally against whom there has been an innumerable disciplinary actions says, “Aren’t you an Indian?”
I: Yes, I am.
P: Then why on the hell are you supporting South Africa?
I: Because I think they are playing very well, today; and does it not depend on me which country I should support.
P: Tell me, where were you born? And for that matter aren’t your parents and your brother Indian?
I: Yes, they are.
P (sarcastically): Oh! Then you must go and support Australia when they play against India
AB: This person supports teams on merit, isn’t it?
I: Yes
P: Hey, man; change your attitude or you would not be able to stay in this college. You must remember that you are an Indian and must never support any other country other than India. Did I say anything like to you before; don’t think that I am joking. I am damn serious. I find you next time doing this crap I would ensure that your half broken teeth is completely broken.
AB: You can do all this in some other college but not in this college.
P: now kindly, f*** off.
I being grievously humiliated by this act of his and went to stand at my previous position, AB and P looked at me and then asked me furiously, “Why are you still standing here, please get out!”
I: Why should I get out? What have I done?
P reacts to this very crossly and holds me by my shoulder and without my willingness takes me out of the mess and there he says, “Don’t show your attitude like this. I have nothing to lose. After five months I am going to get out of this college, and the last day I can easily come to your room and hit you hard. I would break your specks and deface you. So be careful.”
I was really humiliated as well as terrified by the way P threatened. My fear was double fold for the very fact that even though the D.C Convener was a witness to all these stuff, he didn’t raise a finger against his ‘dear friend.’
The question which I want to raise is that whether or not the basic fundamental right that I enjoy under Article 19(2) of the Indian Constitution which guarantees me Freedom of Speech and Expression.
Furthermore, if we refer to Section 351, which says that Whoever makes any gesture, or any preparation intending or knowing it to be likely that such gesture or preparation will cause any person present to apprehend that he who makes that gesture or preparation is about to use criminal force to that person, is said to commit an assault.
Explanation.—Mere words do not amount to an assault. But the words which a person uses may give to his gestures or preparation such a meaning as may make those gestures or preparations amount to an assault.
(a) A shakes his fist at Z, intending or knowing it to be likely that he may thereby cause Z to believe that A is about to strike Z.A has committed an assault.
(b) A begins to unloose the muzzle of a ferocious dog, intending or knowing it to be likely that he may thereby cause Z to believe that he is about to cause the dog to attack Z.A has committed an assault upon Z.
(c) A takes up a stick, saying to Z, "I will give you a beating". Here, though the words used by A could in no case amount to an assault, and though the mere gesture, unaccompanied by any other circumstances, might not amount to an assault, the gesture explained by the words may amount to an assault.
Sir, in light of the abovementioned facts made in utmost sincererity I make this humble plea from the depth of my heart that the following issues be considered:
1. A serious breach of hostel rules and regulations was caused by both Mr. P and Mr. AB.
2.. There has been a dereliction on the part of the D.C Convener Mr. AB in turning a blind eye to the whole incident.
I hope I have conveyed to the authorities the seriousness of the matter and would be highly obliged if a solution to the matter is reached at the earliest.

Yours truly,


Blogger Mr. Ho Ho Ha said...

Hilarious incident. Stupid bongs. Dada deserved to be out of the team by then anyway...I never thought that bongs could be such bad losers. Of course, realize that the only reason psycho opened his mouth is that he had enough people joining in with him. Remember that bongs attack in packs. The lone lion tends to get outwitted by the hyenas.

10:43 AM  
Blogger poli said...

Ho Ho Ha, if i'm not very much mistaken, you are a bong as well. or atleast half of one. so are you going to get outwitted by two hyenas or half of one?

12:01 AM  
Blogger Mr. Ho Ho Ha said...

I am a pure bong! DO NOT DOUBT MY LINEAGE!!!!!

Of course, I was being metaphorical, all I was saying was that bongs usually are cowardly creatures...psycho is more a chipmunk than a lion. Somewhat deranged. Maybe Scrat from Ice Age?

10:45 AM  

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